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David Jeffery
4 min read
What is SCOP?
The Seasonal Coefficient of Performance (SCOP) is a metric used to evaluate the energy efficiency of a heat pump system over an entire...

David Jeffery
3 min read
What is COP?
COP stands for coefficient of performance and is a metric used to measure the efficiency of a heating or cooling system. The coefficient...

David Jeffery
3 min read
What is a heat loss calculation?
What is it, but also how could you imrpove your calculation? Read on to find out more: A heat loss calculation is a process used to...

David Jeffery
3 min read
What's the best time of year for installing heating system?
Planning your renewable technology install or service in advance of when you will most utilise it is the best route of action! The best...

David Jeffery
2 min read
Heat Pumps are growing in popularity
As the demand for renewable energy increases in the UK the popularity of heat pumps is increasing...find out more! Heat pumps have become...

David Jeffery
3 min read
Getting to grips with temperature controls
Managing your homes temperature with a heat pump is very different to how you would do so with a fossil fueld system. Read on to learn...

David Jeffery
2 min read
Heat Pumps - do you opt for Air Source or Ground Source?
There are a number of indivudal factors to consider, on a property by property basis, when choosing between Air and Ground Source Heat...

David Jeffery
2 min read
Who will benefit most from a Ground Source Heat Pump
Are you unsure if switiching to a Ground Source heat Pump will beneifit you? We have covered a few generalised features as to who would...

David Jeffery
3 min read
What are the Key benefits of a Ground Source Heat Pump vs Gas Boiler
Here is a quick overview of the key benefits of choosing a Ground Source Heat Pump over a gas Boiler. Ground source heat pumps (GSHPs)...

David Jeffery
2 min read
How cost effective are Heat Pumps?
There are a number of factors that can affect how cost effective it is to install an Air Source Heat Pump. Below we explore a few of the...

David Jeffery
3 min read
Who will benefit most from an Air Source Heat Pump
Are you unsure if switiching to an Air Source heat Pump will beneifit you? We have covered a few generalised features as to who would...

David Jeffery
2 min read
What are the Key benefits of an Air Source Heat Pump vs Gas Boiler
Here is a quick overview of the key benefits of choosing an Air Source Heat Pump over a gas Boiler. Air source heat pumps and gas boilers...

David Jeffery
2 min read
Who is eligible for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme?
April will mark the 12 month anniversary of the Governments Boiler Upgrade Scheme. But do you really know what savings can be made via...

David Jeffery
3 min read
Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS)
Launched April 2022. Overview The government will provide grants to encourage property owners to install low carbon heating systems such...
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